In this section...

Beyond TOA

In the Sixth Form at The Oxford Academy you will be offered a wide range of careers support. Examples of the activities that you can expect are highlighted below.

Whatever your interests or career goals we can tailor support to suit your needs and will give you opportunities to engage with people from a wide range of industries and higher education providers.

You will be offered the chance to have an independent careers advice meeting and you can contact our Careers Leader via [email protected] to set up a meeting in school. We will also support you in finding relevant work experience.

Year 12

  • Into University workshops / university trips
  • Study Higher workshops
  • PSHCE careers lessons
  • Oxford Brookes mentoring / partnership
  • TOA Futures Fair
  • Enrichment programme
  • Sixth form information evening
  • Work experience

Year 13

  • Into University workshops and trip (UCAS)
  • Study Higher workshops
  • PSHCE careers lessons
  • Oxford Brookes mentoring / partnership
  • Sixth form information evening
  • TOA Futures Fair
  • Individual UCAS application support 
  • Apprenticeships support and advice

Other careers opportunities available

  • Employer / University visits
  • Guest speakers from external providers and employers
  • Young Enterprise opportunities
  • Access to independent careers advice
  • Drop in access to the careers office
  • Subject specific university workshops & events
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