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TOA Autumn Wellbeing Support Groups

Pupil self referral form - please click here


OCC Mental Wellbeing hub

Student Wellbeing letter and where to get help  Anxiety Resources

When someone special dies

Motivational Quotes


Journal of Positivity - Book 1

Student well-being update #1

School counsellors

Holly Nicholls and Sophie Elliot are our school counsellors. They embed a well-being structure across the school working closely with pastoral staff. Holly will be a point of contact for students who have well-being needs raised through the year team, the school health nurse or directly from students, parents/carers and other agencies. 

As a keen musician, Holly has always been interested in the use of the creative arts in promoting mental health and well-being. She completed her undergraduate degree in music in 2014, going on to specialise in the use of music to support young people living with psychological trauma as a result of violent conflict in Africa. Following this she joined an education based charity working with schools across the UK and Malawi as a programme manager for educational development. 

After 10 years of working in the charity sector, Holly decided to combine her passion for people with her love of music by training to becoming a music therapist, completing her Masters at Roehampton University in London. Having worked extensively with young people, as a therapist, youth worker and in an educational capacity, Holly is thrilled to be able to continue working in a school environment at The Oxford Academy. Being trained in both talking therapy (counselling) and approaches using the creative arts, Holly looks forward to tailoring her skills to best support the school and mental health of its students.

If you have any comments or would like to contact Holly, please email [email protected]

CAMHS resources - - This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being. We hope that you find it helpful.

At The Oxford Academy, we are committed to making sure that student feel safe, valued and have the opportunity to talk if they need to. 

We have a number of groups available within the school day for students who feel it may benefit them:

  • LGBT+ Support Group - Every Friday 1st break in E0.19 - this is a friendly group for like-minded people who meet to raise awareness and talk about issues which affect them.
  • Young Carers Support Group - Week A Wednesday 1st break in F1.35 - this group is for young carers to talk to others who have a caring role at home, to talk through any struggles they might be having and feed back to the school with new ideas of how we can support them.
  • TOA Christian Union - Fridays 1st break C0.13 - this group is for anyone with an interest in religion and is run by Oxford Schools Chaplaincy. Please make sure you get a student pass from your tutor.

If students feel that they need to talk about a sensitive issue, or something which is worrying them, they can ask to speak to their Learning Mentor, Head of Year or Tutor at any time. 

Here is a link to some great tips of how to deal with stress around exams, friends and making sure your mental health is being looked after. 

Page Downloads Date  
When someone special dies 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Student Wellbeing letter and where to get help 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Student well being update 1 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Self care and keeping well in lockdown 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Motivational Quotes 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Journal of Positivity Book 1 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Covid 19 Advice for Parents 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Colouring 22nd Jun 2021 Download
Anxiety Resources 22nd Jun 2021 Download
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